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Friday, April 15, 2005

Why Should We Care? 

The Globe & Mail today cites a human rights report condemning countries like Canada and the United States for deporting terror suspects back to countries where there is a high probability of torture.

The report specifically cites Canada and its security-certificate procedure, in which suspects can be tried using secret evidence and deported to countries where torture is believed to be common, as long as that country vows not to abuse that particular person.

"Governments in states where torture is a serious human rights problem almost always deny such abusive practices," Ms. Hall says in the report, titled Still at Risk.

"It defies common sense to presume that a government that routinely flouts its obligations under international law can be trusted to respect those obligations in an isolated case."

Human Rights Watch is one of several organizations worried that the global ban on torture is being eroded by legal manoeuvring and public complacency.

Personally, I'm not losing any sleep at night over the idea that someone who is a threat to my country and my safety might be tortured once he is deported back to whatever hole he came out of. While here in Canada we have humane (to the point of soft) prisons and punishments, we are under no obligation to host foreign criminals who are trying to hurt us. Many of these people come to Canada and America with the sole purpose of promoting or engaging in terrorist activity. Sometimes they come with a visa. Sometimes it is under the guise of refugee. Canada has a very open-door policy, but (despite recent opinion) we're not completely stupid. If you spit in the eye of your host, he's going to throw you out on your ass. If that means you end up back in a country where you will be tortured or killed (most likely for getting caught, and thereby failing in your terrorist mission), well that's your problem. You should have thought of that before.

"If these suspects are criminals, they should be prosecuted, and if they're not, they should be released," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of the organization. "But shipping them off to countries where they'll be tortured is not an acceptable solution."

To me, that is a more than acceptable solution. I agree that if they are not criminals, they should be set free. So if we have enough evidence to say that they are linked to terrorist organizations, but perhaps not enough to prosecute, we set them free. In their own countries. Why should the Canadian taxpayer foot the bill for the trial, anyway? North America should not have to be the purse of the entire uncivilized world. Send them back if they are a threat.






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