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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

We Don't Care. Why Not? 

What do I gotta do to make you care? Elton John sang those lyrics in 1976, in Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word.

Elton, nothing is going to make Canadians care that they keep electing a phoney, corrupt government.

From Toronto Free Press:

Adscam is a big deal for the politicians and the media. Unfortunately, it seems that corruption in government has crossed over the line and it is no longer regarded as simply an event. From the reaction, or lack of it, from most of the Canadian public, government corruption now seems to be a way of life, much as it is in Nigeria or India.

Nice comparison. Are these places we really want to be lumped in with? Nigeria?? They stone women in Nigeria! Here, they stonewall conservatives.

Should an election be called now, Paul Martin will do what he did during the last election campaign. He will demonize the Conservative Party of Canada by telling Canadians that a Conservative government will end health care as we know it and women who even think about having an abortion will be jailed or worse. Martin will tell Eastern Canadians that a Stephen Harper-led government will bring an end to the equalization benefits that the Maritimes and Newfoundland and Labrador now enjoy. Unfortunately not much has changed since June 2004. Conservative leader Stephen Harper didn't have the ability or the inclination to challenge the prime minister then and likely won't be able to do so now.

The only effect that Adscam will have on the next election will be a possible shutout for the Liberals in Quebec. Martin will merely step up his rhetoric and convince the rest of Canada that they will be doomed, simply doomed, if they elect a Conservative government. It will work in the east and it will work in Ontario. The likely effect will be another minority government.

The only reason the Liberals continue to win elections is because as a group, we are too bloody lazy to demand change. A few very vocal people can call for all the elections they want, but if the voter really can't be bothered to look over party information and demand answers and solutions to what means most to them, we will continue to have these corrupt bastards in power.

What is it going to take to make the average Canadian stand up and demand better from their government? What are we afraid of? That the Conservatives will draw us too close to the eeeevil Americans? That welfare payments will be more strictly controlled? That we won't have so many special interest groups? That our taxes will be lower? That's it, isn't it? You're afraid that if you're not paying as much in tax, you must not be getting as good a service. After all, your parents taught you that you get what you pay for. Well, congratulations Canada - you've renewed your subscription to a vacuum for your tax dollars; people who will lie and steal and line the party pockets. All sales are final. You got what you paid for.






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