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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy 

For the past week, I have been making my way through Byron York's Vast Left Wing Conspiracy. One of the main things I noticed straight away - and it is especially relevent in our pre-election frenzy here in Canada - is that it is a veritable "what not to do" for any election. In outlining the tactics (or antics might be a better word) or MoveOn.org, George Soros, Michael Moore et al, York makes the point that they were "preaching to the choir". Money was raised and used to make ads and movies geared towards those who had already decided to vote for Kerry. It was a giant Democratic circle jerk, with very little chance of persuading the red-staters to change their minds. Being very left coast and left brained, they were content to pat each other on the back, and think that that would be enough to win the election.

Is what we're doing in the blogosphere any different? My own site, Girl on the Right, is right-minded, and read by other right-minded individuals. Likewise The Western Standard/The Shotgun. It is by us, for us. In the end, whose minds are we changing? Are we really making any difference to the Liberally-biased political landscape in Canada? I would strongly recommend that anyone who plans to be involved in what promises to be a very mucky election campaign should pick up this book and give it at least a perfunctionary read.

For example, Michael Moore touted his Farenheit 9/11 as being the biggest movie in America, and actually believed (publicly, anyway) that it would turn the political tide in the Democrat's favor. Not only did the tides not turn, but the dollar value of his film, versus the very conservative Passion of the Christ, were truly telling. The numbers are broken down, in comparison, in the book. However, if Canada had been allowed to vote in the 2004 Presidential election, Kerry would have won. Which says something about us, as well.

I'm a little more than halfway through the book. I should have finished it by now, but I no longer read political books before going to bed. Gets me too riled up to sleep.

Cross posted to The Shotgun.






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