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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Canada demands probe into Kazemi 'murder' 

I can't figure out why the G&M put the word murder in quotation marks. Is it journalistic prudence, or do they honestly not believe she was "murdered"?

The toughly worded announcement [Toughly worded! Oh, my! Did we actually offend somebody? - RG], which called the Montreal woman's death a murder, came as Iranian President Mohammed Khatami was scheduled to attend a UN conference in Paris.

Prime Minister Paul Martin was expected to announce the move Tuesday in the House of Commons, where he has come under considerable fire over the Kazemi case.

The Liberal government has been hammered for failing to recall its ambassador to Iran even after allegations of unspeakable torture were made last week by Kazemi's exiled Iranian doctor, Shahram Azam.

"We need an independent autopsy which will help determine precisely what happened during her custody," said Sebastien Theberge, a spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew.

"Dr. Azam's story reinforces our belief that this was a murder, but the Iranian government will not listen to reasonable demands.

"Now the ball is in Iran's court."

So once again our strong, macho government is leaving it to someone else to decide. Someone else who has proven themselves to be dishonest and dangerous, not just to Canada, but to the world. Why is the ball in Iran's court? That's not much of a demand, is it? More of a request, really. Please, let us have her body back. Pretty please?

Mr. Pettigrew, if you want that body, go and get it. I double-dog-dare you.


Canada was hoping to take its plea directly to Mr. Khatami, the reform-minded President of the Islamic republic who was in Paris on Tuesday.

He was to speak to hundreds of foreign dignitaries at a conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Canada seemed intent on using its message and its envoy to UNESCO - Yvon Charbonneau - to put pressure on Iran.

Ahhh, now I see. Not only are we depending on Iran to be honest (when they've already dropped the charges and ruled her death an "accident"), but we're counting on the UN to help us with our strongly worded whinge. Yup. That sounds like Canada.






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