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Monday, April 25, 2005

All Hail Miller (He Answers His Email!!) 

Well, somebody in his office does, which is a refreshing change from the other politicos I've been emailing lately. Let's recap.

President's Office - January - No response (one was not expected)
Pierre Pettigrew - February - No response
Sarmite Bulte - 10 days ago - No response (and I specifically demanded one)
Toronto Mayor David Miller - Saturday - Response received this morning

Here's the email I sent:

Mr Mayor

I write to you as a Toronto resident, and as a neighbor who always
smiles and waves when I see you jogging through High Park.

I am concerned about recent remarks that you have made regarding the
gas tax money you are due from PM Martin's budget. While I understand
your concern about wanting the maximum for your city, I wonder about
wisdom of aligning yourself with the Liberal party under the current
circumstances. I am also wondering about your belief that because this
money has been promised to Toronto, that we will actually see any of
Would you really rather believe a corrupt and criminal party, instead
speaking with the leaders of the opposition to find out what offers
might make - and be more likely to keep!

Jack Lyton may have committed political suicide by aligning himself with
Paul Martin and his government, and I would hate to see the same thing
happen to you. Take heed, and temper your remarks.


And the response from his office:

Dear ,

Thank you for your email letter dated 04/23/05.

The Mayor will always work with the other orders of government on the
new deal for cities, no matter who is in power.

Mayor Miller takes the non-partisanship of his office very seriously
and does not endorse any party.

Mayor Miller will always fight for what's best for Toronto. Therefore
when elections are called, be it provincial or federal, he encourages
residents to vote for the candidate who they think will best represent
the interests of the people of this great city.

Thank you
Joanne Miller

Nice to know someone thinks the voters are important enough to answer to.






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