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Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Neutered Country 

I just spent over an hour writing an email to a reader, only to find out that my webmail logs out after one hour. So Zumkopf, I hope you got it.

He had directed me to a rather heated discussion over at Andrew Coyne's site, over the hot button topic of BMD. Sometimes it was boring. Sometimes it was ugly. Mostly, I felt sad. I told him how hard it was to read the anti-American vitriol that my fellow Canadians come out with, out of sheer jealousy at never being able to keep up with the Joneses.

He asked me if he had said something particularily offensive toward Canadians, and that was why they were using words like "rabid racist", "deluded", and accusing him of leaving spittle on his monitor (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean). He asked me if Canadian liberals were thin-skinned. I replied that leftists are thin-skinned by their very nature. A screaming Canadian liberal is no different from the shrill screechings of Hillary Clinton.

But what I don't understand is why. Why do we hate them so much? Because they are powerful and successful? That's rather petty of us. Most people want to be successful, and many crave power. All nations wish some form of power, either economic or military. America has it all, and it just rips our knitting to think that it's so close that we can see it, but so far away that we can't have some of it for our own.

If Canada as a country were still allowed to believe in God, they would remember the commandment about coveting thy neighbor's ox. At this point, our neighbor won't even buy an ox from us.

Haven't we all had that one obnoxious friend that we couldn't take anywhere, because they offended the host or the guest of honor? Canadians see the U.S. as that friend, and Americans see us that way. Who's right? And does it matter?

America has balls. America is fine and strong, virile, unafraid. They drive a Harley and carry a gun. It's a huge turn-on to this Girl on the Right. Because at the end of the day, as nice as they might be, a country with no balls is limp and useless. Thanks, Liberal Party, for neutering my country.






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