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For Girls With Pearls.

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Friday, March 25, 2005

The Arrogance of the MSM (and I'm using too many brackets) 

I think I've mentioned it before, but my best friend (and her husband) is a journalist. I have known her since I was twelve, and we have been to hell and back together - nothing will change that. But we definitely do not agree on our political views. We never have. When we were younger, I was liberal, and she was more analytical and conservative. As we grew older, and she enrolled in the Concordia School of Journalism (a commie breeding ground), her outlook changed. Mine did, too, but for different reasons. I had lost my parents, and frittered away the money they left me. I was a walking, talking Adscam with that money, and although I refuse to regret anything that I learned from, boy that cash would come in handy today. So once it was gone, and I was left to my own devices, I began to think differently. I began to realize that there was no one to take care of me anymore, and I was too proud to sponge, so I developed a very strong work ethic. I got back on my feet, sorted out my life, and I'm quite content to be your Girl on the Right. She, on the other hand, has been in and out of employment over the years, and has had to give up her journalism dream for the time being and take a mortal's job, just to pay the bills. Her husband is still a top journalist.

Anyway, the other night she and I were chatting away on the phone, talking about the usual girly things like hair color (I changed mine recently) and the Gilmore Girls (now in repeats - sad). The topic of this blog came up (she's one of the few in my inner circle that knows of its existence - although she doesn't read it).

Her: I could never blog. I barely manage to reply to my emails. Besides, my life isn't that interesting.

Me: I'm surprised I've kept it up this long. I thought I would get bored after a few months, but I love it. As long as people in the world keep doing stupid things, I will always have something to write about.

Her: I don't see the point of news blogs - sorry. We have 24-hour news stations, websites, evening news, radio, and the paper. We don't need bloggers. Besides, why would I deliver the news for free? I should be getting paid for it. That's my job (well, it used to be, before she pissed off the wrong person, but that's a whole other story).

Me: I do it for free because I enjoy it. People read me, they leave me feedback, and my facts are no better or worse than those of the regular media.

And then the rant began...

Her: And Fox news - fair and balanced?? Fox makes real journalists cringe.

Me: Actually, Fox - and bloggers - make CBS cringe, and with good reason. I would hardly want to align myself with people who are afraid of the next new medium. It makes you sound like the Church at the invention of the printing press.

Things got ugly from there. We have this conversation every few months, and it's always the same. But the part that really pissed me off was "Besides, why would I deliver the news for free? I should be getting paid for it." Are these the kinds of people you want delivering your news?






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