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Thursday, February 17, 2005


I just opened the Canadian version of Google News. Two stories sat one on top of the other:

Canada Court Grants Bail for 'Al Qaeda' Suspect
Reuters Canada - 3 hours ago
A Canadian court granted bail on Thursday to a Moroccan man jailed for 21 months on suspicion that he belonged to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda group.


Top Martin Security Aide Abruptly Quits Job
Reuters Canada - 1 hour ago
Robert Wright, the top security adviser to Prime Minister Paul Martin, is unexpectedly leaving his position amid talk that the two men had had a major disagreement, security sources said on Thursday.

You can't tell me that these two stories have nothing to do with each other.

From the first story:

Federal officials have said senior Bin Laden lieutenant Abu Zubaida had reported having seen Charkaoui in Afghanistan in 1993 and 1997-98. Another al Qaeda operative said he trained with him in Afghanistan in 1998.

Charkaoui, 31, has denied the charges.

Officials argued before the judge that the best way to limit any danger to Canada's national security was to keep Charkaouiin in custody.

Through supporters, Charkaoui complained that he was not given details of the government's case against him and that much of it appeared to be based of foreign newspaper clippings.

Under the bail terms, Charkaoui will have to stay with his family and respect a nighttime curfew.

How pathetic. We're talking about a guy willing to die in the name of his God, and they think he'll quake at the thought of a curfew?

From the second story:

Before Bush arrived, Canadian officials said they did not expect the president to press Martin to get Canada to sign on to a proposed U.S. missile defense shield.

But Bush publicly urged Martin three times to take part in the controversial program, which is unpopular with some in the Canada's ruling Liberal Party. This prompted questions as to whether Martin had been badly briefed about the visit.

The position of national security adviser was created in 2003 as part of a government reorganization to improve the workings of Ottawa's security establishment.

Wright was the first person to take up the job and only last October told an academic conference that he faced major hurdles creating a new security policy.

"It would be right to say it is peculiar Wright would be leaving at this time. It does suggest there's something behind it," another security source told Reuters.

No, it's not that peculiar. The guy probably felt he was slamming his head against a brick wall trying to get this fool country to defend itself and take some responsibility on the world stage regarding terror. It's stories like the first that lead to stories like the second.






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