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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Religion of Killers 

Hat tip to Little Green Footballs for this story.

A Kuwaiti man who had just returned from his holy pilgrimage to Mecca got the idea into his head that his fourteen year old virgin daughter was having sex. So he knelt her down in front of her siblings, and slit her throat.

Adnan Enezi - an employee in the Islamic Affairs ministry - had just returned from the pilgrimage to Mecca.

He allegedly bound and blindfolded his daughter, Haifa, knelt her down in front of her two brothers and sister and then cut her throat.

Forensic tests showed Haifa was still a virgin, police sources said. Mr Enezi is being questioned about the case.

Thousands of women are killed by relatives each year in the Middle East and Asia in so-called honour crimes - usually over suspected adultery, pre-marital sex or after having being raped, or marrying without family consent.

The suspect - who is also undergoing mental health tests - was separated from his wife, and has been imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for 18 months for his extremist activities, the al-Rai al-Am newspaper reported.

The daily said that after cutting Haifa's throat the first time, he swapped the knife for one with a sharper blade as she bled and screamed in front of her siblings.

Al-Qabas daily said the brothers and sister fled from the house after the murder, while their uncle took their sister to a hospital, but she had already died.

I can't imagine a place where this is considered common practice, where it is normal, and where he will probably only be fined for his crime. Yet as we in the West preach tolerance and inclusion from the rooftops, instead of integration and Western values, we are opening the door for this practice in Canada and the United States. Honor killings are already a common occurence in Britain.

My husband is a newcomer to Canada, but he shares it's values. Is it because he's a Christain, like the majority? Maybe. But it can't be that only white Christians come to Canada and the U.S. to start new lives. Both countries have open door policies for all religions, colors, creeds, and persuasions. But at what point is the government allowed to step in and say "Welcome to Canada - try being a Canadian."? Never, it seems. We are perfectly content to have groups of immigrants live in sects and tight knit communities around the country, stirring dissent, and all the while wailing against the values of the country they have chosen, because those values are not the same as in their home country. And we, as North Americans (or Britans), smile and nod, and let them recreate homelands that were obviously so terrifying that these people were forced to leave them. It doesn't make any sense. More should be done to integrate the more vulnerable ones into real Canadian society, so that they do not fall victim to the plagues of their homeland - plagues like honor killings.






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