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Friday, January 07, 2005

Europe Feeling the Burn 

Europe, and especially France, have been major pro-Islamic supporters ever since 9/11. Germany, of course, doesn't want to step on the toes of any minority, lest they be rebranded as Nazis after their long struggle to shed the image. So what happens to these countries who allow their feeding hands to be bitten time and again?
Little Green Footballs has the link to this story:

Berning isn't a nosy meddler. She is the principal at Rixdorfer school in the Berlin neighborhood known as Little Istanbul, where Turkish markets line the streets and Muslim worshipers file into discreet prayer rooms down back alleys. And these days her job is complicated by a widening gulf among her students. There have been more fights and more name-calling incidents at Rixdorfer, Berning says, since a German court granted an umbrella group called the Islamic Federation the right to teach religion classes in Berlin schools--where 8 percent of students are Turkish Muslims. Muslim girls are dropping out of sports classes and field trips, she says, and there are fewer friendships between Muslim and non-Muslim students. Although the Islamic Federation is under observation by the German Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which suspects the group of being an extremist organization, the religion classes continue.


In Germany, where the chancellor and five of his cabinet members chose to drop the "so help me God" portion of their respective oaths of office, only 3 percent of Protestants routinely attend church on Sundays. In England, Anglicans are now a minority. And in France, there are only 25,000 Roman Catholic priests--most past retirement age--in a country that is home to the largest Muslim population in Europe (5 million in a population of 60 million).

As this population continues to grow into a political force--if Turkey joins the EU, Muslims could account for 1 in 5 Europeans by 2050--the question becomes whether Islam is compatible with the Continent's secular democracies. Kadriye Aydin, a 34-year-old family and immigration lawyer born and raised in Germany, says her Muslim faith and democratic ideals coexist. Many Europeans, she says, "do not understand that it is possible to combine both identities, to be both a Muslim and a European who believes in democracy."

These days, though, European television is packed with exposes of the anti-West preachings by radical Muslim figures, from the Turkish imam caught urging those assembled in a Bavarian prayer room to "take advantage of democracy to further our cause" to another Berlin-based imam filmed asserting that Germans were smelly sinners who would go to hell. Faced with deportation, the imam apologized for "my personal inability to adequately explain some things to the Muslim community without denigrating other cultures and religions."

Deception? Such incidents fuel fears that Muslim immigrants are exploiting liberal western values to spread religious radicalism, says Valerie Amiraux, a political scientist specializing in Islam in secular society at the National Center for Scientific Research in Amiens, France. What's more, she says, "after the days of Theo van Gogh, there was a sense that giving a place to multiculturalism may lead to violence and political disorder." Following that murder, parliamentarians in the traditionally liberal Netherlands began calling for mandatory Dutch classes in light of reports that half of Muslims in the Netherlands don't speak the language. Politicians are crafting initiatives to limit low-income housing for new immigrants and restrict the arrival of mail-order Muslim brides from the Middle East. Germany likewise is considering measures to force imams to preach in German.

It is worth reading this whole article. I have lived in Scotland, where other than an ongoing rivalry between the Catholic Celtic Football Club and the Protestant Rangers FC, there isn't much in the way of racism. But on more than one occasion, I walked through the heart of downtown Glasgow and passed a booth set up in favor of securing a Palestine state in the Middle East. The vitriol coming from those working the booth, as well as the Birkenstock-wearing, dreadlocked, spacey-eyed students who flocked to support their cause was distressing. I guess they figured that since Scotland only has about five Jews (two of whom I know personally), they could get away with it, and no one would complain. Saturday after Saturday they would set up on Argyle or Sauchiehall Streets, and collect signatures on their various petitions.

At the offices of the Islamic Federation in Berlin's Kreuzberg neighborhood, a leafy, canal-lined residential area for the city's more-established Muslim families, Islamic Federation Chairman Burhan Kesici reports that he, too, has heard about the trouble with the Muslim children at Rixdorfer Elementary. His students have been calling non-Muslim classmates pork-eaters and the like. This, he acknowledges, is not good. "But there is no more trust left in the German system," says Kesici. "And times have changed. There are more and more Muslim people living here, and [German authorities] have to realize this and change their structures, so the problems don't become worse." Principal Berning, he says, has been in no hurry to work with him. Berning responds that she won't work with radicals, and she often puts down the telephone and walks away from it while Kesici is talking. They are at a stalemate, but 15 more schools in Berlin alone are scheduled to initiate Islamic education classes this year.

I don't see why the German authorities have to change their standards for those who have chosen to move there. A person, be they a refugee or an economic immigrant, moves to a country because they feel it is a better life than what they had in their homeland. Why would they then try to turn their new home into a frightening replica of their old one? It has to be considered that perhaps they did not move there to escape or improve, but to slowly and surely convert the masses to Islam. After all, it is one of the main tenets of the Islamic religion: Convert them, or enslave them.

Part of me wants to say that Europe has only itself to blame for letting it get so out of hand, but they are not alone in it. And with Western Democracy being what it is, we choose to see the good in everyone. We do not want to believe that someone might have come to harm us. The West is great because it allows a person to be who they want to be. Unfortunately, that Western right is being taken advantage of, and fighting dirty might be the only way to save us. And if that happens, there will be no more Western democracy. We will become "them". Either way, they win.






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