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Monday, January 24, 2005

Christians Aren't Allowed to Aid Muslim Babies 

Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of children have been orphaned by the Tsunami. Countries like China, Japan, the United States, and Canada have been emptying their pockets to do whatever is necessary to help rebuild communities that have been devastated. It's bad enough that Indonesia wants us to pull troops out, because they don't want any outside interference, but now the ungratefulness is coming from within.

I found the link to the story via Proud To Be Canadian.

A CANADIAN Islamic group is vowing to prevent the adoption by Christian families of Muslim children orphaned in the tsunami disaster. "Canadian Muslims will not allow that the custody of Muslim orphan children to be given to Christian families or any non-Muslim families," reads a release issued yesterday by the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada.

* * *

The release says ISCC president Syed Soharwardy has asked "all Muslim governments" to ensure Muslim children are raised Muslim.

"This is a time of test and if Muslim governments do not take care of these orphans, Allah will punish them in this world and the Hereafter," the release states, attributing the comments to Soharwardy, who is also the founder of Muslims Against Terrorism.

An AP wire story said established Christian charitable organizations usually do their work in Muslim countries under an agreement not to seek converts.

"We will chase down any Christian group that does anything beyond offering aid," Hasri Husan, the leader of a militant Muslim group that is operating a refugee camp in Indonesia, told AP before making a slashing motion across his throat.
I am angry enough that they are so ungrateful as to want to kick us out of their countries when we are feeding and sheltering their vulnerable, but now they have the unbelievable gall to say that Christians shouldn't give their orphans a caring home? Where do they think all this charity is coming from, anyway? The Muslim countries have already been criticized for the amount of aid they haven't given. Now they have even more reason to be ashamed of themselves. Unfortunately, humility and good sense are virtues that Allah did not equip them with.






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