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Thursday, December 09, 2004

A Bit of Catching Up 

Sorry I haven't been around for a week or so. My parents-in-law are in Toronto for a two week stay, which is nearly at its end. By tomorrow afternoon I will have my apartment and my evenings back. Not that they've been bad guests. They buy us stuff, take us for dinner, and they've stocked my liquor cabinet very well for the holidays. Fa la la...

So the AWOL pussy (he was a cook, by the way, so his life was hardly in danger!), Jeremy Hinzman, is trying to obtain asylum in Canada. He must figure he'd be much safer in a country that doesn't even have a military.

Mr. Hinzman's claim is considered a test case. There are three other refugee claims from U.S. Army deserters that will be heard after the decision has been issued in the Hinzman case, expected in February of 2005.

Just what Canada needs. More anti-war, anti-Bush, pot-smoking, birkenstock-wearing, whining bitches.

Kofi Annan and the UN (sounds like a New Wave band from the 80's) have held a seminar into Islamophobia. There's almost no North American coverage to be found regarding this story - everything is from Europe or the Muslim countries. Check out this Google link, and you'll see what I mean.

And to top off this post, I have a complaint (not me!!). On Monday morning, I got off the subway at the St George station to make my transfer, and as I walked up the stairs, I noticed that there was a big pile of vegetables, like from a pizza or a stir fry, that had been dumped on the stairs. Okay, these things happen, I thought it would be cleaned up. It is now Thursday, and the vegetables are a grey, ground-in stain on the stairs leading to the Bloor line. I have rode the transit systems in Montreal, Toronto, New York, Paris and London. The most expensive of all of these is Toronto, and they want to increase the price in 2005. I'm not saying it isn't a good system, but it sure as hell isn't worth what we pay for it, and I'd be mighty disappointed to have to pay more in January - especially if the pizza blob hasn't been removed yet. For all the filth, you'd think it was a hospital or something.






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