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Thursday, November 11, 2004

Lest We Forget 

Does anyone remember Remembrance Day anymore? Posted by Hello

On a day when we are supposed to be remembering veterans who died for our freedom, how many times have you switched on your local Liberal television news to hear Yasser Arafat being deified? How many people took the time at 11 o'clock this morning to remember? How many rocks were thrown at "fat, socialist weasel" Michael Moore today? Not even one, I'll bet.

Soldiers, on this very day, are off trying to end this damn thing in Fallujah, are off getting shot at, and nobody cares. Nobody gives a shit.

My grandfather fought in World War II. Both my grandfathers did. Mr Right's grandfather was a 15 year old Polish boy, coerced into joining the German army - his parents were held in concentration camps until he and his older brother enlisted - and wasn't released into the Polish Free Forces until he was captured by the British and taken to Scotland. Sometimes going to war means fighting for things you don't necessarily believe in. When that happens, you just buckle down and do it. You do not haul your cowardly ass up to Canada to smoke pot in Vancouver and have benefit concerts thrown for you. Those cowards that my country is harboring chose to join the military. Grandpa Right didn't have that choice.

On this day of remembrance, let's try to get the bleeding hearts - who weep for the dead terrorist, who fight for Sharia Law in the West, who demean the government and the military in speech, film and radio, and who throw bottles and rocks at peace rallies - to remember that without their fathers and grandfathers before them, they wouldn't have the room to do what they do. And they shouldn't take advantage of that in such a way. After all, many of these fathers and grandfathers are still alive, and it hurts them. They are hurt by their lack of visitors in government-run veteran's hospitals. They are hurt by the words and deeds of those who feel that war is wrong, and that soldiers are bad. They are hurt by Farenheit 9/11, and by John Kerry's discarded war medals.

So for all the men who fought all those years ago, and for the men and women who fight on today, thank you. I have not forgotten.

Please, click here to view the names of those who have given their lives in our current fight for freedom, the war in Iraq.






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