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Wednesday, November 03, 2004


The early results are promising, with Bush in the lead at 52%. Bush has officially won 17 states, and Kerry 11. We're still waiting to hear about Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Surprisingly, Bush is in the lead in Michigan, a smaller swing state.

We're popping popcorn and mixing Cosmopolitans. Jon Stewart is about to come on.

I'll be back.

UPDATE 10:29pm

Bush at 193 electoral votes, Kerry at 112, where he has been for over an hour now. I'm sure that will change when California gets counted.

UPDATE 10:53pm

Kerry won California, as expected, and now sits at 178. Bush has moved ahead to 210. Yikes! As I wtite this, Kerry has been given Pensylvania, so he's at 199. This is now officially a close race! Bush is going to have to get Florida and Ohio. He looks good for Florida, but Miami-Dade is saying it could take till Thursday to count their votes.

UPDATE 11:12pm

I'd like to correct the above information. It comes from CBC, which is Canadian, and can afford to make projections that the American stations learned not to make after 2000. For now, on the American networks, Kerry is at 188, and Bush at 197. I just prefer watching the Canadian network coverage, because there are fewer half-dead talking heads.

The Jon Stewart special was a disappointment. Very boring.

UPDATE 11:34pm

Although the numbers on CNN haven't changed (still at Kerry 188/Bush 197), I was checking out some of the unconfirmed returns for the uncounted states. Looks good for Bush.

New Mexico: Bush 151,120 / Kerry 135,208
Ohio (IMPORTANT SWING STATE): Bush 1,752,395 / Kerry 1,620,131
Florida (IMPORTANT SWING STATE): Bush 3,552,627 / Kerry 3,228,834

They're saying that there are still line-ups for voting in Ohio, because the rules are that if you are in line when the polls close, you still have the right to vote. so technically they can't call the vote in that state till everyone is done voting.

UPDATE 11:45pm

MSNBC is reporting my earlier numbers of Bush 210 and Kerry 199. Maybe they just want it to be over so they can go home before the second week of December. Unlike last time.

UPDATE 12:11am

Bush has Florida and its 27 votes - officially. Bush is at 234, Kerry at 188. It all rest in Ohio now. I'm never going to bed, am I?

UPDATE 12:22am

Looks like Bush is getting Colorado at 9 votes, as expected. Montana, too, at 3 votes. Someone get me a coffee, please - they're still counting Ohio...

UPDATE 12:42am

Kerry has just been given the 7 votes in Oregon. It was expected. CNN is drawing pictures over a map of Ohio counties. Dear God, please bring Fox News to Canada. CNBC is speaking in foreign languages, and the actual Fox Channel is showing Celebrity Justice - very important stuff. CBC is projecting too early, and CNN is so, so, so boring. How long has Larry King been dead? When will he have the good grace to fall down and let us bury him?

UPDATE 12:53am

Bush gets 3 in Alaska.

UPDATE 1:35am

Kerry has been given 11 votes in Washington State, bringing the tally up to Kerry 211, and Bush 249. Come on, Ohio!! RightGirl wants to go to bed!






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