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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Babies in the Jailhouse 

The liberal bleeding-hearts of Britain have outdone themselves this time. Cornton Vale women's prison in Scotland has decided to allow the inmates to raise their children up to the age of five, in the Big House.

The move would see inmates living with their children in independent houses
on the edge of the prison grounds at Cornton Vale, near Stirling.


Cornton Vale governor Sue Brookes said she was aware of the criticism the
initiative would attract but added that it was preferable to separating a mother
from her child.

Speaking to the Scotland on Sunday newspaper, she said:
"What's the point of putting these children into care?

"An open prison is a fairly natural environment.
"I would like the
mums to be able to do the same things I can with my children - to play with them
and do their homework with them."

First of all, no prison is a natural environment for children. Second of all, these women are criminals. Are these the kind of people that we want as role models for the next generation? How dysfunctional would it be for little Janey to tell her school friends that she was raised in a prison because her mother was a felon? Kids face enough pressure trying to fit in.

Somewhere along the line, people stopped caring what was best for society (including children), and started more about the rights and privileges of criminals. I, for one, am sick of hearing it. There was a time when women who committed crimes forfeited their rights to raise their kids. Now they get to raise them in prison. Who does that benefit?

I have mentioned this before, but I have a good friend who is valiantly battling her way through the UK adoption system in order to be able to raise a child. She will probably have to wait 2-5 years before one is placed with her. Am I the only one who sees the potential to make everyone's lives (except the bloody criminals) better, just by pairing the kids of inmates with the homes of the childless?






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