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Thursday, July 01, 2004

Slaughter American Soldiers 

Fahmi Mohamed Saeed (whoever he is) writes for Al Jazeera (and we all know who they are):

Is Islam urging and inciting Muslims to kill civilians, whether Americans, Europeans or from elsewhere? The answer is simply 'NO, NEVER'. In fact, Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Islam is a word of love, peace, security, tolerance, stability, mercy and respect. Islam is derived from the word for 'peace'.

Islam respects all mankind, regardless of their religion, sex, color or language.

Yes, of course. We've all learned that over the past three years, haven't we?

Back to what has been going on in Saudi Arabia for the past two years. In my humble perspective, I think what Al Qaeda members are doing in Saudi Arabia is retaliating for the Iraqis and Palestinians who are being killed, tortured and humiliated by Americans.

Of course, Al Qaeda members are totally wrong and their actions are unjustified, because they are killing civilians who have nothing to do with what is going on in Iraq and Palestine.

My simple advice to Al Qaeda members is to go to either Iraq or Palestine to fight, kill and slaughter American and Israeli soldiers because that would be a real Jihad and they would be labeled as real freedom fighters and martyrs and because the Americans in Iraq and Israelis in Palestine are undoubtedly occupiers, killers, criminals and aggressors.

Hey Moore, are you reading this? These are your little brown pals, giving each other permission to kill our soldiers. But I guess you think they deserve it, don't you? Swine.

To conclude, Al Qaeda members fully believe that they are right in committing and perpetrating such acts against foreigners, but the reality is the contrary. They are wrong. Therefore, non Muslims don't have to blame Islam for the wrong actions committed by misled people (Al Qaeda members ).

Once again, Islam has nothing to do with such unjustifiable actions done by such misled people.

Because it is a religion of peace, after all.






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