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Saturday, July 10, 2004

Metro Roundup 

I have a long commute on the subway into work every day, and I read the free "Metro" paper on the way in. While it's not the far-out liberal rag that comes free on Thursdays, it is still Canadian journalism (even though most of it comes from AP). Here are a couple of the ridiculously Leftist stories I came across this week.

From Thursday, July 8: Jeremy Hinzman, one of the "brave" American soldiers that fled to Canada to avoid going to Iraq, has applied for asylum in Canada, fearing he may face the death penalty in the US.

Jeremy Hinzman, 25, who left the 82nd Airborne Regiment in January before its deployment to Iraq, says he believes the U.S.-led war is contrary to international law and "waged on false pretences." He believes he would be "a criminal" if he were to take part.

Although there was no draft to dodge, he feels his claim is justified nonetheless.

While the U.S. Army no longer conscripts its soldiers, Hinzman says he was a member of "the demographic draft," enticed by a college fund and the promise of "higher education and security."

During basic training, recruits were required to chant slogans such as "trained to kill, kill we will," but he began to doubt he could and came to realize "that I made a profound mistake in joining the infantry." His views solidified when he embraced Buddhism, he said.

Andy you just know that Canada will support his claim. Any hard-luck case that embraces the Left is just more fodder for the Anti-American machine. - Report from the Toronto Star

From Friday July 9: A letter from a reader, regarding the fining of US Air Force pilot Major Harry Schmidt for the bombing of a Canadian training camp in Afghanistan in 2001. The letter in full.

The reprimand of US Air Force pilot Maj. Harry Schmidt in the killing of Canadians in Afghanistan, and the fine imposed on him for "dereliction of duty" are outrageos.

Maj. Schmidt exercised lethal force recklessly, thereby causing multiple deaths and injuries. Under any system to deter wrongdoing, the punishment should be proportional to the offence. In this case, it is not.

Possibly, the hearing officer was influenced by another factor: The failure of Schmidt's commanders.

Before taking off for a patrol over Afghanistan, a military pilot undergoes a briefing, including a review of the intended flight path. In this case, it should have included a warning of the Canadian life-fire exercise.

Caertainly, had he been forewarned, Schmidt would not have felt the urge to "roll in in self-defence."

Instead of command answering for its dereliction of duty, this aviator is treated leniently for his.

Neither is justice done, nor is it seen to be done.

Sounds good, right? The author of the letter makes many valid points. But here's the punch line: The author is named Naftali Lavie. Although the last name is decidedly French, the first name gives a hint to why the author might want the US military painted with tar and feathers, regardless of their actions. Just sayin'...






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