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Sunday, July 18, 2004

In The News... 

Lots going on in the news this week, what with poor Martha Stewart being sent to decorate the Big House. I hope she makes it out with her dignity intact.
I've taken to reading Al Jazeera lately, because it's interesting to see how the other half lives. And the comments are funny. They all seem to be written by illiterate twelve-year-olds. Some of the fun stuff I've read today...

"A Muslim has accused a contractor at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport of denying him a security job based on his religion and national origin."
This man, Ahmed Mohamed [pretty much covers all bases for original names from the Middle East, doesn't it? - RG] is not a US citizen, yet expects to work airport security in a post-9/11 world. And if he doesn't get the job, he sues. Using government courts in a country he doesn't belong to (Notice I didn't say belong in? That's not for me to decide). Sweet. Read the comments, too.
"lexi from florida,usa do you have some sort of deep hatred about muslims. from your nonesense thinking, your telling me that an immigrant is an alien and on top of that a muslim doesn't desrve to fly an american airplane. what ever happened to fairness and equality? oh wait let me answer that. there never was fairness and equality. your government and the white house planned the 9/11 attacks, similar to when the cia told reporters that they were planning to attack the u.s in the 1960's inorder to crush cuba. don't say anything you don't know about muslims. al aqaed'aa and osama bin laden aired a tape on al**** long time saying that they did not mastermin the attack and that the white house did, and he only rejoiced at what happened. you lexi are brainwashed to believe that we muslims hijacked planes and crashed them in america. peace" - Muhammad Islam from Canada
I like how he ends with "peace".
"The FBI said that Al Qaeda network may be recruiting non-Arabs less likely to attract notice as they carry out attacks in the United States. "
This has been a long time coming. We all know that an Arab is more likely to be suspected of subversion, so paying some white guy or gal to do the dirty work makes more sense. No one would suspect me walking through an airport, but some guy named Iqbal has it rough. That's why security has to be stepped up yet another notch. And why guys like Ahmed Mohamed, mentioned above, who aren't US citizens, should not be allowed to hold jobs where security is an issue.
Additionally, I hear people complaining that since 9/11, certain human rights and freedoms have been put in jeopardy, and that it goes against the Constitution (or agains the Charter, here in Canada). Too bad. I mean it. We can't have it both ways. We can either have the completely free society that we have become accustomed to, and risk terror and invasion; or we can put a few of our liberties on hold for a while (just for a while), in order to weed out the bad apples that are ruining it for the rest of us. Some of the liberals out there may counter with "That's what Al Qaeda wants - they want us to lose our freedoms!" Sorry, but they want a hell of a lot more than that. They want us to lose our lives. I, as a decent law abiding citizen, would rather have the odd piece of mail scanned at the post office, or the occasional black Chevy drive by me on the way to work - because I have nothing to hide. You know what they'd find in my email account, if they decided to look? Emails asking me if I would like to enlarge my penis, along with an invitation to a barbecue last month that I haven't deleted yet. My garbage would reveal junk mail, dirty cat litter (they're welcome to it!), and smelly sunflower seed shells. Any anthrax would be what I scraped off my week-old dishes when I finally got around to washing them. The loss of liberties does not actually affect the average Joe Shmoe. But those with something to hide might be a little unnerved by the possibility. Good. Because those of you who are actually up to no good - it's only a matter of time before you're caught. And when we get you, we'll throw away the key.
And last but not least, from the BBC...
"Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has urged all French Jews to move to Israel immediately to escape anti-Semitism."
How would they be escaping anti-Semitism in Israel? Instead of having their graves desecrated, instead they would be blown to bits by Palestinian suicide bombers. Hardly problem solved!
"A week ago President Jacques Chirac rushed to condemn an apparently anti-Semitic attack on a Paris train that turned out to be a hoax.

Our correspondent adds that his haste only aggravated passions among many in the Muslim community who feel they are the instant scapegoats. "

Do they ever stop to wonder why they are the scapegoats? Have they ever actually read the Qu'ran, where Jews are the scapegoats for everything from poverty to a hangnail? As I said above, if you have something to be guilty about, you're always going to think that the government is out to get you. They are! And you deserve it!






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