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For Girls With Pearls.

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Saturday, June 05, 2004

Catching Up is Hard to Do 

It's been two weeks since I've touched this blog, and so much has happened in that time.

We arrived in Toronto on Monday May 24th. I highly recommend using Zoom if your flying between Canada and the UK. We had a seat upgrade which gave us plenty of room, and free food and drink throughout the flight. Anyway, upon arrival we immediately set out to view our new apartment, which I had reserved over the Net. Why did I do that? Because I am retarded.

Aside from the homeless people milling around outside, and the roaches inside, it was lovely. Needless to say, we cancelled the reservation. This left us homeless (and milling around outside). Thankfully, the management of Roachville were extremely nice, and I got my full deposit back. Word to tourists: The East end of Toronto is gross - don't go there.

So we checked into the hotel, and proceeded to panic. I called the moving company to postpone my delivery, only to be told that the goods were already in Toronto, on the truck, ready to be delivered the next day. Aaaaghh! I had no idea I possessed enough French to beg and plead with the guys in the Quebec City dispatch office of my moving company, but apparently necessity is the mother of bilingualism. They agreed to store my furniture with an associate company in Toronto, and it would only cost me the equivelent of a kidney on the black market.

After some much needed sleep and Taco Bell (not in that order) we faced a new day, and the challenge of finding an apartment. We headed back to a place we had visited the previous year, this time safely west of downtown. A glorious highrise community, with pools and all the other amenities middle-class, white-bread, cockroach-hating types like ourselves seem to want. It was my ideal place to live in Toronto, and the only reason we hadn't booked there in the first place is that it's an extra $200/month. Two hundred dollars is not a huge price to pay to live without fear and pests.

We spoke to a very friendly woman in the rental office, immediately won her over with our tale of woe, and we got an apartment. There's much more to this story, but I can't reveal it just now. Heaven forbid her boss sees this blog, and she ends up jobless, and I homeless. Yikes!

So we're moved in (boy, that makes a long and interesting story rather short and boring, doesn't it?). We got the apartment last Friday, but lived on an air mattress for a week until the furniture was delivered. The cat lived better than we did - she was at a local vet who spoiled her rotten for a week!

Now my biggest priority is finding a job. So here is my shameless plug:

If you or someone you know needs a top-quality Customer Service Team Leader or Supervisor, please get in touch. Thanks.

In other news, there is an election coming up in Canada at the end of the month, so expect much blogging about that. Mr Right and I were sitting down to take-out last week and I said to him "There's an election this month, I have to find out how to get on the electoral roll..." And there was a knock at the door... Elections Canada was there to verify that my name was on the electoral roll! So the minute I was through with them, I turned to Mr Right and said, "Well, that was lucky - now I need a million dollars!" Alas, nothing has come of it yet...






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