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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

My Own Backyard 

Following on from my last post, it seems my own stupid country is proving the point that Western civilization is dying...

Well, we all thought the Netherlands or France would be the first to adopt some form of Sharia law as the thin end of the wedge of catering to Muslim immigrants who universally appear unable to fit in with their host societies. Yet the Netherlands has just put a four-year moratorium on all immigration, including "asylum seekers", has stopped schooling Muslim children in the home language of their parents/grandparents, and has closed down many of its Muslim community centers. And France is banning the headscarf on school property and is shoveling undesirable imams out of the country at a rate of knots.

So Canada has become the first country in the West to kowtow to immigrant Islamic demands that they not only have a right to settle in the country and be free to practice their religion unhindered, but also the right to bring their own laws with them.

Syed Mumtaz Ali, the president of the Canadian Society of Muslims, began lobbying for a Sharia court around two years ago. He claims that the tribunals would allow Muslims to practice freedom of religion, as though they couldn’t before. "Muslim minorities living in non-Muslim countries like Canada are like wandering Bedouins.

"Although they are free to live according to the Divine Law to practice their faith unhindered in their homes and mosques, they have practically no say in the making of the laws of the land and governmental institutions do not cater to their needs."

This is nothing I am proud of. All those years of singing about "standing on guard for thee" in school was not supposed to lead to this. Just who and what are we natural-born Canadians standing on guard for these days? Will the RCMP preside over stonings of Muslim women - or even Western women - someday in the not too distant future? Will rape be legal for everyone except the victim? Will it be okay to beat your wife? All your wives?

I knew that Canada was a more Liberal country than the United States, but I thought that there was still some sense at the bottom of it. Once more, I am disillusioned by politics. I really don't know how I will vote my way out of this one. No matter how often I vote Conservative, I will be outnumbered. The whole country seems to have gone mad on a wave of political correctness and communist ideology.

Perhaps moving back to Canada in a week's time isn't the best thing. Perhaps Texas...






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