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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

The End of the World As We Know It 

The Washington Dispatch has an excellent article on the end of Western civilization.

By 1914 the case can be made that Western Civilization was at a very high apex indeed. Most of the modern inventions and scientific disciplines were in place and making their beneficial effects felt by an increasing number of people. European art had yet to be dominated by anti-artists. Europe was wealthy and well governed, especially in the northern and western countries. This was also true of the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. There were problems with left-wing, utopian fascists just as there are today, but unlike today they had very little support among patriotic, prosperous citizens of any class. There was little of the modern-day impulse to automatically surrender to the very groups seeking to destroy rational society. The mood in the West was optimistic and governments on the whole were eager to support citizens by protecting their lives and property against criminals and leftist scum. Economic life was relatively unencumbered and self-reliance and morality were seen as virtues. People still understood that the government could not protect them from their own stupidity and they were still allowed to protect themselves from attack. People who protected themselves from attack were recognized as heroes. They were not prosecuted for "using excessive force" or being "a danger to burglars."

It's as if we have been giving in to some kind of con artist, whispering in our ear, trying to get us to give him and his cronies the money our daddy left to support us. You can almost hear him, telling us we're selfish for keeping it to ourselves, saying "eat the rich". He stands before us in the mirror, belittling us for being successful. We've grown so accustomed to his rantings, we have dubbed him our concience. But is he? Or is he just the omnipresent voice of the left?

Before WWI the West had gone from strength to strength. Since then we have gone from weakness to weakness. Every disaster has provided more recruits for the evil, Godless left wing. Every year sees standards of education, ethics and morals lowered while government erodes our freedoms and forces more self-destructive social engineering on us. Ironically, the West has remained light-years ahead of the third world in science, technology and other material innovations. But as a people, we are so degraded that we are no longer in touch with the principles of hard work, pride, sacrifice and common sense that made our success possible. We are like spoiled brats living on inherited wealth. We listen to people who tell us that we don't deserve our wealth and must give it away. They tell us that we are racists if we even suggest that our own countries should be defended against an invasion of third-world immigrants. I repeat, we are now told that we cannot even reserve our own countries for ourselves. President George W. Bush and challenger John Kerry both believe this lie and will try to enforce it with all the power at the government's command. Our ancestors were too eager to fight before WWI. We are now too reluctant to fight our true enemies.

The end is nigh!






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