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Sunday, February 15, 2004

Equal Rights Was a Bad Idea 

Most people will blast me out of the water for being so irreverent, but it's true. Because I have a vagina, I feel safe that I can pass such an opinion without being letter bombed, but I'll let you know!

While reading the Saturday paper yesterday, this article about a female soldier really got my lace panties in a twist. Not because she was unfairly treated by the Ministry of Defence, but because she is the money-bleeding sore that has broken out on every industry that has bent over backwards to adapt to women in the workplace. She is the kind of example that leftist feminists drag out and exploit for money to fund their tantrums.

The Soldier, Ms Boote, asked for assurances that she and her soldier husband (whom she has since divorced - he probably felt disgraced by her behavior) would not both be deployed overseas at the same time, leaving her children at the mercy of foster care. When the MoD sympathetically said that they could make no such promises - thus is the nature of a soldier's job - she resigned and took them to court for sex discrimination! And she won!!

You would think that becoming a soldier, she might have had some indication that she might be deployed overseas. And you would also think that marrying a soldier, the possibility could arise that they would both be sent overseas at the same time. Well, you might think that, and I might think that, but apparently she didn't. Despite it being in her contract.

Many a time have I stated that women's rights have gone too far, and that women like this have time and again proven that they have no place in certain workplaces and situations. Women like this make fools of the rest of us, and make fools of the ones who fought for our rights not so long ago.

If women want to continue to have any employment rights whatsoever, they had better start proving they can do the job. If they can't, then bow out gracefully, and don't take your employer to court because you couldn't get your way!!






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