Thursday, February 26, 2004
Canada's Sick, Too
The other day I ranted on about the state of healthcare in the UK. Well, Canada is no better off, it seems.
I can't say I'm really surprised at the long waiting times (and I also know of more than one hospital in Montreal that has serious hygiene problems). After all, the Canadian system was based on the UK one back when it was the most innovative and respected health plan in the world.
Hopefully Canada still has time to reverse the trend.
Also, check out Samizdata toady for their article titled "Death to the Chocolate Smugglers". Andy Duncan makes some very valid points regarding the state health service in the UK.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
City of Light, City of Fright
Shit, there goes the Eiffel Tower...
Now that Al Qaeda has entered the "banning headscarves" argument, Paris will have Allah to pay. Damn, and I'm going to Paris soon. I hope the Louvre is still there when I get there.
Not So Proud
I'm hiding in a corner today, ashamed to be conservative.
Bush wants to outlaw gay marriages in the constitution, because he feels that "marriage musn't be undermined". WTF? I thought by creating marriages, it kept the instution of marriage alive.
Monday, February 23, 2004
Your Tax Dollars At Work
One for the British:
Today I saw first hand where your NHS tax money is going. It's on break. Like Ross & Rachael, but without the comedy. In a Scottish mental health day hospital, there are approximately 12 nurses, consultants, and specialists to work with the public. There are 4 administrators. Four, for only 12 useful people. And these admin staff get two hours break per day!
Now understand, this is like a clinic. Shifts are 8 hours long, no one is bleeding, and there is no reason on earth why these bored secretaries and receptionists need two hours a day. Not that they spend those two hours doing nothing. Today I learned all the plotlines for Coronation Street. Worthwhile stuff.
Anyone who pays taxes in the UK, I suggest you drop a note to your local MSP, or to Health Secretary John Reid. What the National Health service really needs are nurses, and maybe a guy with a mop - they do not need secretaries standing by the water cooler for two fucking hours a day.
Sunday, February 22, 2004
Put the Pig Fat on the F**king Buses, Already!
Is it any wonder that the Israelis want their wall? I actually cried watching this on the news this morning. A walled city is nothing new, and in history has always been for protection. I hope the Hague takes this into consideration tomorrow. Let them have their wall. And please put the pig fat on the buses. Smear every passenger with it, if necessary. A new kind of Passover.
Friday, February 20, 2004
Kids Can Be Rough
I found this very interesting essay over at Sky Watching My World by Cecile Dubois. It outlines how our kids can't even have opinions that aren't waaaay left.
Funny, when I was a kid, I got picked on because I did or did not listen to the New Kids On The Block. How stupid was that? But now that the kids in school are more educated than the teachers, they are seen as a real threat.
Good for you, Judd, for standing up for yourself.
Hotbed of Anti-Semitism
I can't say I'm surprised that this has happened. For too many years, Europe - mostly peaceful after WWII - has been hit with a heavy influx of Muslim refugees from all over, many of them from French North Africa. Walk down any street in Paris - it's often easier to count those who are not Muslim.
And now Europe's Jewish population is under attack, and the governments of the EU are surprised! I can't see how they can be. Ever since the WTC was destroyed, Europe seems to have been acting as press agents for Muslims. Europe has been standing up for the rights of Muslims, usually at a cost to Europeans. In the UK, more welfare and state benefit goes to refugees and asylum seekers than goes to the Brits! It's sickening, and is surely a cause for the rising tide of anti-semitism in Europe. The Arabs were not happy to just chase the Jews around the Middle East - now they have to destroy lives that have been built up for generations in a more "civilized" part of the world.
If we look to America, we can see all that the Jews have done for western civilization, just since the end of the Second World War. They are the economy, the doctors, the artists, and they invented something Europe could learn from - Customer Service! Put a disinterested Scottish waitress in the Catskills for a summer, and watch her improve (or hang herself - either is fine)!
And now Europe wants to destoy all this by supporting the enemy. Not just the enemy of the Jews, but of the rest of us as well. If war breaks out over this, I know which side I'll fight for.
On the flipside, and it may seem like a bit of a hollow endorsement given the above, Simon Wiesenthal is to be knighted for Nazi hunting. Finally, Britain will honor a knight who has actually behaved like one, and gone out to fight for what's right. And he's not even British!
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
I Doubt Allah Would Approve
I found this post on Right Wing News, by John Hawkins.
"To put together the latest edition of ACPOTI (anyone can post on the internet), I perused the Jihaad section of Islamic Awakening Discussion Board and I have to tell ya, if there aren't intelligence agencies monitoring that place, they should be.
I say that because apparently somebody forgot to tell these guys that Islam is a "religion of peace". To the contrary, there seem to be more than a few Osama Bin Laden loving militants on this board who are under the impression that
"Jihad is necessary for the spread of Islam, and our offensive attacks aginst the polytheists, disbelievers, and infidels will testify to the superiority of the Islamic creed."
That's right, Islamo-Fascism is on the march and RWN is there!"
I had a quick read of some of the other posts on The Islamic Awakening board, and a more rank bunch of bullshit I have never seen.
Divine Justice
The Bishop has been convicted! He faces up to 45 months.
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Three Hail Mary's and You're Forgiven
How come the Catholics are always so quick to say they've done nothing wrong? I was raised a Catholic, but turned away from the church when I was old enough to realize the depth of deception within. It is one of the prettiest religions on earth, with stained glass, Latin, and incense. Rich art, and beautiful monuments to its saints.
Now if we could just get rid of its priests! This guy is not only charged with hit and run, but he protected child molesters. I'm sick to death of priests hiding behind their black dresses, f**king with our kids, and having the church shield them from prosecution. If we can't nail this bishop on the child molestation deal, let's be sure he does time (in a maximum security pen, so he can be someone's bitch) for the hit and run.
BBC Censorship
The BBC has censored the Director of Communications for the Libertarian Alliance, Dr Sean Gabb, due to his views being un-PC. He said that although he had no problem with immigrants coming to the UK, he did not want to have to pay for it.
They shut off his mike.
Show your support by emailing Dr Gabb at
and the BBC at
By the way, after checking out the BBC website, I counted no less than 8 pro-muslim-immigration propaganda stories on their "Have Your Say" page. Obviously, the impartial BBC has chosen a side.
Have a Safe Trip Home
The Dutch parliament has approved a bill to expel more than 20,000 failed asylum seekers. The ususal band of human rights groups are whining their sorry song at the door to the government, but frankly I think it's a lesson that the rest of Europe needs to learn.
Let me repeat, they are failed asylum seekers. They've had their reviews, their documents have been checked, stories confirmed, and yet they have been rejected by the governement, for various reasons (i.e. their stories were bullshit to begin with).
" One man facing deportation has sewn up his eyes and mouth in protest."
Are these people you want or need in your country? People who are so mad that they will sew their eyes shut? What's the next step - blowing up the immigration department?
" The government insists that no-one at risk will be forced to leave."
That means that they will keep the real refugees, and slam the door on the ones that come for economic reasons.
Somehow I Doubt It's the Buddhists...
I think the Muslims have backed themselves into a corner of proof this time. Year after year, country after country, Muslim leaders tell us that it's the fault of [insert other race/religion here, depending on region] for all the civil unrest. They blame the Isrealis, they blame Indians, Pakistanis, Kurds, Russians, and of course, Christians. Time and again, there is a slight sliver of plausability in their agruments, since every one of the races or religions they blame have a history of bloodshed. You know that the Isrealis and Christians are more than capable of slaughtering and burning.
But this time, the civil unrest is in Thailand, which is predominantly Buddhist, with a small minority of Muslims. And there is civil unrest.
" Senior Thai officials, including Interior Minister Wan Muhamad Noor Matha who is himself a Muslim, have also expressed concern that Islamic schools in the south could be breeding grounds for militancy."
They have no choice but to admit fault, because I sincerely doubt the trouble is the Buddhists. That would be like blaming the Quakers!
Monday, February 16, 2004
I Couldn't Agree More
Found this on Samizdata, written by Gabriel Syme. Enjoy! - RightGirl
"The sound Christopher Booker of his notebook in the Sunday Telegraph asks the age-old questions - What do we pay taxes for?
He then proceeds with a list of 'mundane' examples of people being charged for things done to them by government agencies such as HM Customs, the Home Office immigration department. He points out that the old principle that government is funded by taxpayers to carry out its duties seems to be breaking down in all directions. Well, it has taken him a while to notice but better late than never.
My reader concluded: "Presumably we can expect the same 'user must pay' principle to be applied to the cost of providing the health service, policing, prisons, libraries and state benefits."
But the question remains, what then do we pay our taxes for? (Until the day, of course, when the Inland Revenue charges us a fee for reading our tax forms and taking our money.)
The answer is obvious - the taxes are necessary to support disabled black lesbian single mothers living in council estates... "
Get a Job!
For years I have complained about the large proportion of able-bodied individuals and families bilking the welfare system. It was the one argument I really thought most people agreed with me on. But it seems that in Quebec, screwing the government is now fodder for a TV Show. I shouldn't be surprised that such a thing could come out of Quebec, land of bad teeth, Export A Green, Jeanette Reno, and chasing away industry.
Vive la Quebec Libre, but I'm glad I don't have to pay taxes there.
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Equal Rights Was a Bad Idea
Most people will blast me out of the water for being so irreverent, but it's true. Because I have a vagina, I feel safe that I can pass such an opinion without being letter bombed, but I'll let you know!
While reading the Saturday paper yesterday, this article about a female soldier really got my lace panties in a twist. Not because she was unfairly treated by the Ministry of Defence, but because she is the money-bleeding sore that has broken out on every industry that has bent over backwards to adapt to women in the workplace. She is the kind of example that leftist feminists drag out and exploit for money to fund their tantrums.
The Soldier, Ms Boote, asked for assurances that she and her soldier husband (whom she has since divorced - he probably felt disgraced by her behavior) would not both be deployed overseas at the same time, leaving her children at the mercy of foster care. When the MoD sympathetically said that they could make no such promises - thus is the nature of a soldier's job - she resigned and took them to court for sex discrimination! And she won!!
You would think that becoming a soldier, she might have had some indication that she might be deployed overseas. And you would also think that marrying a soldier, the possibility could arise that they would both be sent overseas at the same time. Well, you might think that, and I might think that, but apparently she didn't. Despite it being in her contract.
Many a time have I stated that women's rights have gone too far, and that women like this have time and again proven that they have no place in certain workplaces and situations. Women like this make fools of the rest of us, and make fools of the ones who fought for our rights not so long ago.
If women want to continue to have any employment rights whatsoever, they had better start proving they can do the job. If they can't, then bow out gracefully, and don't take your employer to court because you couldn't get your way!!
Friday, February 13, 2004
End of an Era
Another celebrity couple has hit the skids. My whole childhood revolved around the wonderful romance (and occasionaly steamy sex, as I got older) of Ken and Barbie.
But the journalist is right: with no major anatomical features, all Ken was good for was some heavy petting.
But to split up just before Valentine's Day? That's tragic.
Getting Passionate
Now I'm a bit pissed off. Although I'm not a religious person, and would rather see all religions banned than have to live under the rule of one or another, I thought it was a bit weird at when the British Red Cross removed Christ from Christmas last year, because they didn't want to offend other religions.
And now, Mel Gibson's new movie is getting the same bum's rush in America (Land of the Free, and all that). They have decided only to play it in poor, predominantly black neighborhoods - and Texas. Why? Because you won't find many Jews in black neighborhoods - or Texas. And the Jewish community is in a uproar over the depiction of Christ being killed by the Jews.
Um, wasn't he? I mean, we can't rewrite history here. This isn't Disney, where they rewrite the end of all those Grimm Fairy Tales to make them G-Rated. A Jew turned Jesus in to the Romans for 30 pieces of silver. It's history. I've forgiven them. I'm sure Christ has, too.
Here's what it amounts to: In Canada in the 80's, there was a school teacher in the Prairies that was fired - and then criminally charged - for teaching that the Holocaust never happened. But it did. It's a piece of history, and a very painful one at that. It changed one culture for all time. Now they Jewish community is saying that they should not be depicted as the one's responsible for Christ's death. There's a harsh double standard!
Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Enjoy the movie!
Thursday, February 12, 2004
June Cleaver to Wind Up in the Pen?
It will be a sad day for housewives around the world if Martha Stewart gets convicted.
Can you just imagine how she'd react to prison food??
Nine unique visitors to Girl on the Right in its first few hours of existence. Thanks everyone!
Youth Gone Wild
This is why the UK is falling apart. The police will happily arrest anyone who commits a crime, but what's the point? The courts don't back the cops up. They just keep letting the same offenders go, time after time. And the rise in young criminals in the UK is astounding. On some council estates, you're not safe walking out after dark. Glasgow and Birmingham both run the risk of turning into a white-bread South Central LA if the judges and the justice system as a whole don't smarten up.
Hang 'em!
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Welcome to the Blog - Leave Your Headgear at the Door
Yesterday France bannned the wearing of all religious symbols in their schools. Did the Catholics cry out that they should be allowed the right to wear crosses? No. Did the Jews complain that they were not permitted to wear yarmulkes? No. Did the Muslims complain that they would no loger be allowed to wear headscarves? You bet they did!
But I can't help but ask myself why. I mean, in any religion, there are rules to be followed, and sometimes certain codes of dress, and you can't please everyone. So the government decides to eliminate the problem by removing all religious symbolism from public schools. And no one complained except the Muslims. I know, and the French government knows, that the hijab is a powerful and important part of Muslim culture. But do the Muslims realize that the separation of Church and State are powerful and important symbols of French culture? And that they are, in fact, in France???
The Jews managed to integrate. The Catholics had to give up full and complete control over the entire country, and they've adjusted. I only hope that the protests and outcry from the Muslim community are just teething problems, and that in time they will integrate, as well.