A demonstration has been held in south- east Afghanistan accusing US troops of insulting Islam after they distributed footballs bearing the name of Allah.
The balls showed the Saudi Arabian flag which features the Koranic declaration of faith.
Methinks the Mullahs are little testy because this hearts & minds stuff actually works. These Afghan kids, living the closest to normal as they ever have, going to school, getting candy bars and soccer balls from the Americans, are less likely to sit around listening to Uncle Ahmed tell the story (for the zillionth) of how he lost his eye fighting the Infidel swine in the mountains. No, they will be outside playing like kids are supposed to, instead of learning how to wire themselves with explosives and hate Jews just because they're Jews. And that, ladies, gentlemen and Jihadis, is how America is going to win the war.
I'll bet you ten Yankee greenbacks that they'll even manage to win over old Uncle Ahmed, by giving him a new eye...
Let me be clear: I think dog fighting is reprehensible, and that in a mob-justice system, Michael Vick would be disemboweled. But to my knowledge, last time I looked we didn't have a vigilante justice system. And when it comes to the "beautiful people", like rock stars, actors, socialites and sports icons, we barely have any type of justice at all.
Michael Vick endangered the lives of dogs - man's best friend. We get all warm and squishy when we think of our childhood pal Fido or Rover (or in my case, Valentine). And our anger at a "monster" like Vick becomes palpable.
Vick has been suspended indefinitely from the Atlanta Falcons, disgraced. Dog lovers and animal rights groups would like to kill him. His co-defendants copped a plea, and he will now plead guilty himself. And he'd better hope the judge doesn't have a dog.
Am I the only one who thinks this "kill Vick" mentality is a little overblown? Where were these activists and outraged do-gooders when Kobe Bryant was on trial for rape? Or when Mike Tyson was beating the snot out of Robin Givens or chewing on Hollyfield's ear? Heck, Barry Bonds probably didn't even know he was in the ballpark when he hit his history-making homer. What makes the pit bulls more important than a rape victim? Have we really sunk so low that we place the lives of dogs before the lives of humans?
I'm not saying - like some celebrities in past days have done - that Vick should get away with what he has done. I'm just suggesting that perhaps we should try to have a little perspective. We cry rivers of grief when gang-banging rappers are shot in the street - we never stop to ask what they did to deserve it. Why are we so quick to condemn Vick?
Cut the guy a little slack - he wasn't a drug pusher, he didn't rape or kill anyone. He hurt and killed some dogs. Disgusting and criminal? Yes. Worth all this misplaced fury? No way.
Mr. Right was recently reading The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham (published 1957), and he came across a startling passage.
'Look, suppose we consider this thing from a more civilized standpoint - after all, this is a civilized country, and famous for its ability to find compromises. I'm not convinced by the sweeping way you assume there can be no agreement. History has shown us to be more tolerant of minorities than most.'
It was the girl who answered this time:
'This is not a civilized matter,' she said, 'it is a very primitive matter. If we exist, we shall dominate you - that is clear and inevitable. Will you agree to be superseded, and start on the way to extinction without a struggle? I do not think you are decadent enough for that. And then, politically, the question is: Can any State, however tolerant, afford to harbour an increasingly powerful minority which it has no power to control? Obviously the answer is again, no.
'So what will you do? We are very likely safe for a time while you talk about it. The more primitive of you, your masses, will let their instincts lead them - we saw the pattern in the village last night - they will want to hunt us down, destroy us. Your more liberal, responsibly-minded, and religious people will be greatly troubled over the ethical position. Opposed to any drastic action at all, you will have your true idealists - and also your sham idealists: the quite large number of people who profess ideals as a form of premium for other-life insurance, and are content to lay up slavery and destitution for their descendants so long as they are enabled to produce personal copybooks of elevated views at the gates of heaven.
'Then, too, with your Government of the Right reluctantly driven to consider drastic action against us, your politicians of the Left will see a chance of party capital, and possible dismissal of the Government. They will defend our rights as a threatened minority, and children, at that. Their leaders will glow with righteousness on our behalf. The will claim, without referendum, to be representing justice, compassion, and the great heart of the people. Then it will occur to some of them that there really is a serious problem, and that if they were to force an election there would very likely be a split between the promoters of the party's official Warm-heart policy, and the rank and file whose misgivings about us will make them a Cold-feet faction; so the display of abstract righteousness, and the plugging of well-tested, best-selling virtues will diminish.'
'You don't appear to think very highly of our institutions,' Bernard put in. The girl shrugged.
'As a securely dominant species you could afford to lose touch with reality, and amuse yourself with abstractions,' she replied.
I don't think I say this enough - I LOVE SARKOZY! Check out his plans for French pedophiles.
'Prisoners of this type, at the end of their sentence, will be examined by a panel of doctors, and if this college of doctors recognises that they are dangerous, they will not be released. They will go to a closed hospital, where they will be treated,' Sarkozy added.
Those who did not accept treatment would stay in the hospital as long as they were considered dangerous, he said. Those who accepted treatment, such as hormonal therapy, would be allowed to leave the hospital with an electronic tag.
The measures would be part of a bill on sentencing planned for November, Sarkozy said, and a raft of measures aimed at improving treatment for psychologically ill prisoners was also in the works.
The first 'closed hospital' dedicated to dealing with paedophiles would open in the eastern city of Lyon in 2009, Sarkozy said. Another establishment would be set up for psychologically ill inmates.
About bloody time we stopped playing games with sex offenders and started locking them up and throwing away the key. It doesn't matter if they've served every remaining second of their sentences - if they are still sick, they still pose a risk to every child they come in contact with.
Case in point is what led Mr. Sarkozy to plan his hospital:
French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Monday pledged tougher treatment for sex offenders following a scandal over a convicted paedophile suspected of raping a 5-year-old boy shortly after his release from prison.
Police said Francis Evrard, a 61-year-old repeat offender who spent 18 years in prison for raping children before being freed on July 2, snatched the boy from a street in the northern town of Roubaix on Wednesday.
The pair were discovered later that day partly clothed in a garage used by Evrard. He said he had been prescribed the anti-impotence drug Viagra while in prison, and officers found a packet of the pills in his pocket.
Sarkozy said Evrard should not have been released so long before the end of his 27-year sentence when the authorities knew he was still dangerous.
And he sure as merde should not have been given Viagra! It's time these sickos were dealt with in the harshest way possible. Vive le Sarkozy!
DOCTORS and health workers have been banned from eating lunch at their desks - in case it offends their Muslim colleagues.
Health chiefs believe the sight of food will upset Muslim workers when they are celebrating the religious festival Ramadan.
The lunch trolley is also to be wheeled out of bounds as the 30-day fast begins next month.
Scottish. Doctors. What the hell is going on in this world? Muslim doctors try to blow up Glasgow International, and suddenly you can't have a chopped egg sandwich at your desk between patients lest you offend them?? We have fallen through the looking glass, haven't we?
He added: "The idea is to get faith in the workplace out in the open."
OK, maybe I'll try that. I'll put up a great big bloody gruesome crucifix at my desk at the office and see how long it's allowed to remain... Any bets?
Sooner or later, the Muslims will have their way in Scotland, and there will be casualties resulting from it. I only hope the doctors who have to treat those casualties had time to grab a bite to eat in secret, so they can focus on saving lives that the kith and kin of their coworkers (or in the case of the last attempt - actual coworkers) tried to destroy.
Today is my mother's birthday. Had she lived, she would have been 64. I completely forgot about it until a moment ago, when reading an article that had the date prominently displayed. I guess that's what 16 years can do.
Hezbollah is recognized as a terror organization by Canada, and is strictly prohibited. Well, maybe not strictly...
A billboard in Windsor, Ontario
Printed in English on the left side of the billboard are the words: "Lebanese and Arab communities in Windsor city congratulate the Lebanese people for their steadfastness and endeavor to establish peace in Lebanon."
But Nabbout said that Arabic writing which appears on the right side of the billboard does not match the English translation. According to Nabbout, the Arabic writing makes a reference to fighting.
"What they mean by 'fight' is basically 'guerrilla' - using arms and weapons," Nabbout said. "Basically, there is a very specific word... That is a definite difference between the Arabic and the English."
You can contact the Mayor of Windsor, Eddie Francis (The mayor's name is Eddie? Oh Christ. WWII would never have happened if Mr. and Mrs. Hitler had named their son "Skip". You know why? Cause no one takes Skip - or Eddie - very seriously.) here:
Mayor's Office 350 City Hall Square West P.O. Box 1607 Windsor, Ontario Canada N9A6S1
Apparently, they seem to think they're important enough, and matter enough, that they need a union. Little realizing that as bloggers, they are self-made and self employed, so the only ones they'd be protecting themselves against is... themselves.
Narcissism, thy name is Kos.
The effort is an extension of the blogosphere's growing power and presence, especially within the political realm, and for many, evokes memories of the early labor organization of freelance writers in the early 1980s.
Organizers hope a bloggers' labor group will not only showcase the growing professionalism of the Web-based writers, but also the importance of their roles in candidates' campaigns.
"I think people have just gotten to the point where people outside the blogosphere understand the value of what it is that we do on the progressive side," said Susie Madrak, the author of Suburban Guerilla blog, who is active in the union campaign. "And I think they feel a little more entitled to ask for something now."
But just what that something is may be hard to say.
Indeed. Hardly necessary.
Unsurprisingly, there's decidedly less support for a union movement among conservative bloggers.
Mark Noonan, an editor at Blogs for Bush and a senior writer at GOP Bloggers, said he worries that a blogger union would undermine the freewheeling nature of the blogosphere, regardless of its political composition.
"We just go out there and write what is on our mind, damn the critics," he said. "To make a union is to start to provide a firm structure for the blogosphere and that would merely make the blogosphere a junior-league (mainstream media). ... Get us a union and other 'professional' organizations and we'll start to be conformist and we'll start to be just another special interest."
But that's not how Kirsten Burgard sees it.
Sitting at a panel titled "A Union for Bloggers: It's Time to Organize" at this week's YearlyKos Convention for bloggers in Chicago, Illinois, Burgard said she'd welcome a chance to join a unionized blogging community.
"I sure would like to have that union bug on my Web site," said Burgard, a blogger who uses the moniker Bendy Girl.
Madrak hopes that regardless the form, the labor movement ultimately will help bloggers pay for medical bills. It's important, she said, because some bloggers can spend hours a day tethered to computers as they update their Web sites.
Yes, perhaps I can have them pay for my obesity drugs because I sit in front of the computer all day instead of walking the dog. What a load of bollocks.
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