Crox has posted an anti-terrorist idea, that may put him in line for the next Nobel Peace Prize.
Its your duty We all know that it is a sin for a Taliban or Al Qaeda male to see any woman naked other than his wife, and that he must commit suicide if he does. So, this Saturday at 4:00 pm all women living in England are asked to walk out of their houses, completely naked, to help weed out any
neighbourhood terrorists. Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort.
All men are to position themselves in garden chairs in front of their houses to prove they are not Talibanor Al Qaeda, and to demonstrate
that they think it's okay to see nude women other than their wives and to show support for all English women. And since the Taliban and Al Qaeda also does not approve of alcohol, a cold six-pack of Fosters or any similar beer at your side would be further proof of your anti-Taliban and Al Qaeda sentiment. The British Government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this antiterrorist activity.
God Defend England .
The UK is paying a massive price for being so wishy-washy where asylum seekers are concerned. Legal aid is being paid to these refugees for their appeals on failed applications, to the tune of £204million.
As if that's not bad enough, the radical Muslim cleric, Abu Hamza al-Masri (known not-so-affectionately as Captain Hook), is going to get legal aid for his deportation hearing.
The cost of lawyers for the former imam of London's Finsbury Park Mosque, who is appealing against deportation, could run into tens of thousands of pounds.
Home Secretary David Blunkett withdrew Mr Abu Hamza's British citizenship in April 2003 under the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002.
The act allows British nationality to be removed from people with dual citizenship who are believed to have acted against the vital interests of the UK.
I appreciate how the UK has this power to remove citizenship from traitors and terrorists (something the US would be happy to have right now, I'm sure), but it's of little value if we not only can't seem to get these people out of the country, but we have to pay for their fight to stay!
The liberal left has gone to such extremes trying to protect criminal's human rights, that the law-abiding, tax-paying citizens (and legal, law-abiding, tax-paying immigrants like myself) now have no rights at all. Perhaps if I was a terrorist or a criminal I would have some say about what the government can and should do, but my right to vote is useless.
This is an absolutely brilliant idea. Although there are some feminists out there who are shaking their fists (thereby exposing underarm hair) at the idea, it really doesn't stray so very far from the USO shows and dime-a-dance girls of WWII.
The OTOFTC mission statement is simple: To discretely provide US troops shipping out overseas with the most sensually pleasing departure possible.
If you are unable to "take one for the country", but want to show your support, this link will take you to their shop, where you can get an official OTOFTC t-shirt. I plan on ordering one.
Not my words, I swear. This is the story that's making the blogs buzz today. Some leftist peace-lover who can't quite distinguish between the Afghan "War on Terror" and the current conflict in Iraq has taken the opportunity to defacate on the memory of Pat Tillman without knowing a thing about the man.
Tillman, in the absurd belief that he was defending or serving his all-powerful country from a seventh-rate, Third World nation devastated by the previous conflicts it had endured, decided to give up a comfortable life to place himself in a combat situation that cost him his life. This was not "Ramon or Tyrone," who joined the military out of financial necessity, or to have a chance at education. This was a "G.I. Joe" guy who got what was coming to him. That was not heroism, it was prophetic idiocy.
The UK has such a problem with youth crime and vandalism, that they have instituted something called an Anti-Social Bahaviour Order, or ASBO. These ASBOs have been around for a couple of years, and local councils have only recently gotten into the habit of excerising their rights to use them. For the most part, they act as restraining orders. For example, if a person has been terrorizing a neighborhood, that person may not be allowed to enter within a certain boundary, even if that means they will be forced to move.
Sounds good, doesn't it?
Then today, I came across this article about a father-and-son crime team.
The two-year order places restrictions on their behaviour, which if breached, could land them in prison.
So far so good...
It means neither man should assault or harass any person or behave in away which is likely to intimidate or cause distress to anyone.
I thought we already had laws for that. Is this ASBO just a friendly reminder, or does it actually accomplish something?
They cannot enter any private premises without consent of the owner or the occupier.
That's called breaking and entering, or burglary. Once you have done this, you should be in jail. You should not be dragged through the courts at the taxpayer's expense, only to come out with a handy slip of paper reminding you not to do it again - or else!! What is the "or else" in this case? They give you the ASBO on audio and video tape, in case you weren't clear the first time??
I realize the local councils don't have a lot of direct power, and these ASBOs can be really good at times, especially with young offenders, but I hope that the above article was just poorly written, and that there is a lot more to it. Otherwise, there is very little purpose to the ASBO, and another solution needs to be found.
That catchy turn of phrase can be attributed to Tony Blair, describing the kinds of people the UK will not be welcoming on Saturday, when 10 new countries join the European Union.
The UK has long been a haven for so-called economic refugees, coming here to take advantage of the extensive social housing and welfare system, which is unfortunately already stretched to capacity by those "economically inactive" citizens of the country.
Now that the EU is opening up, the British government is waiting with open arms for skilled workers, but the Home Office is working to make sure that the UK isn't going to end up feeding and babysitting a bunch of Gypsies.
"No-one will be able to come to the UK from anywhere in the enlarged European Union simply to claim benefits or housing.
There won't be support for the economically inactive. The same goes for migrants from elsewhere in the world... they must be self-sufficient."
The proposal is that any EU national who comes to the UK will have a 2-year ban on collecting benefits or social housing, and they must work full time in that two years.
It's about time that the UK government cleans up the amount of leeches that suck on the system every year. I just think it might be slightly unfair that they should decide to get tough with other members of the EU. After all, for all these years, the UK has given food, shelter, and benefit to refugees from terrorist nations, and now they turn around and say they won't help their fellow Europeans.
Estee Lauder Dead at Age 97 (or 95, she won't tell)
The cosmetics queen, Estee Lauder, has died. As I read the story, I realized just what a pioneer she really was. An inspiration to anyone who has a dream of starting their own business. She started off cooking face cream on her stove, and in 1995 the company went public with a value of $2billion.
Not bad for a Jewish immigrant who came from nothing. More proof that you don't have to be born with a silver spoon up your butt to make something of yourself.
I found a neat idea over on Right Wing News, and it couldn't have come at a better time. I am currently going through the harrowing ordeal of moving, and many of our old books have been donated to our local library. Now I'm thinking I ought to pack a few up and post them to the soldiers in Iraq.
Am I the only one who thinks Libya might be up to something? First, took responsibility for the Pan-Am Lockerbie disaster. Took them more than a decade to do it, too. Then they made agreements to rid themselves of WMD's. Now, wierdest of all, they are considering bidding for the 2010 World Cup.
Libya seems to be getting too friendly, too fast. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I keep wondering what they're planning.
Five weeks ago, Spain was hit with an Islamic terrorist attack. It was the Muslim way of saying "We disapprove of your politics, and we disapprove of your presence in Iraq." The Muslims have a way of saying things that always leaves hundreds of people dead. That's why America and its (few) allies are fighting these bastards so hard.
Four weeks ago, Spain had an election, and voted in the party that the terrorists had indicated they would prefer. They gave in to what the bad guys wanted. And today, the Spanish left the side of America and Britain, basically because the Islamofascists told them to. The terrorists said "jump", so Spain jumped, and won't come down till the terrorists say they can. They've turned tail and run.
The BBC's Dominic Hughes, in Baghdad, says Spanish troops play an important role in Iraq, particularly in the Shia holy city of Najaf.
Spanish troops stationed Najaf come under rifle and mortar fire almost every day from militiamen loyal to the fiery anti-US cleric Moqtada Sadr.
With the US saying it needs thousands of extra troops on the ground in Iraq, the withdrawal of the Spanish forces will clearly be felt, our correspondent says.
Way to treat your friends and allies, you cowardly sonofabitch.
We all did it on our school holidays, didn't we? Hung around outside till it was dark, sometimes longer, playing with our friends. Going to the corner store, buying a popsicle, and riding our bikes instead of going to bed. After all, we didn't have to get up for school the next morning, might as well enjoy ourselves.
Maybe it's because I'm older, maybe it's because I'm in a country that seems a little less civilised than that from whence I came, or maybe it's because teenagers are the anti-christ(s). At least they are in Britain, and possibly in all of Europe. Too many rights, you see. No rules. They steal - they get a slap on the wrist. They assault - they go to counseling. They murder someone - they get a hug, because after all, they must have been awfully hard done by to turn out the way they did. Poor souls.
Oh shut up! Here I am in Scotland, wishing every day to be back in my tiny apartment in the East End of Montreal, next to the Hells Angels and Rock Machine biker gangs, because at least those guys had the decency to fight amongst themselves and leave the rest of us alone to get on with our lives.
Since the start of the British 2 week break for Easter (TWO WEEKS people! TWO!), our street has been under siege by brats from the wrong side of the tax system (kids raised by young single mothers who are given free homes on becoming pregnant, then continue to suck the life out of the welfare system until they die, drunk, with a needle in their arm). They've been in our garbage, writing their names on our walls, tresspassing within our apartment building and making a mess, and drinking vodka in our parking lot.
And there's nothing we can do about it. Every resident in this building (which is privately owned, kind of like the condo system in America) has filed complaints with the local police, who seem far too disinterested to get off their backsides and do anything about it. After all, the UK doesn't actually have an anti-tresspass law, so we just have to live with it.
But not every one is as bad off. Cumbria Police in England have decided that they've had enough, and over the Easter break there is a curfew in place on everyone under 16.
Cumbria Police Inspector Dave Barr told BBC News Online that gangs have been congregating in the town centre which has put people off going to the shops in the area.
"The main problem has been vandalism and we have had damage at the community centre for three nights running."
"We will use the extra powers which allow us to take a child home if they are in the centre and if they refuse to leave or are found again we can take action against them."
I won't still be in Scotland for the summer break (thank whatever God!), but I'm glad that such action is taking place. Perhaps by summer the duds at the Central Scotland Police will take a page from the Cumbria book, and my neighbors won't have to put up with more of what we've had over the past two weeks.
I saw this on the news tonight. There is an uneasyness growing in the pit of my stomach. If the CIA is saying that the voice on the tape belongs to Osama, and that he's not dead like they'd been saying (hoping) for the past 2 years, I think we're all in for a lot more trouble.
Instinct, common sense, whatever... is telling me that since he has told us to do something, and we don't do it, we will (some of us, those that live) live to regret it. Thankfully, for me, and for many others like me, my pride is far stronger than my instinct. I may be frightened of the consequences, but I'll be damned if I would back down at this point. I know Bush feels the same (for better or for worse), but I wonder if he'll continue to have any support.
Will his (few) allies in this war back down? Will Blair? Will the new Spanish government decide they've had enough after Madrid, and call it quits? Will Bush & Co be the last ones left standing, all their friends gone home?
Will that mean that Bin Laden wins?
America is the most powerful country on earth, but I still worry that they can't take on an enemy like this alone. I feel that if only they'd had more support instead of less for this war, they might have been able to tie it all up by now. I'm angry at countries like France, and my own beloved Canada, that they didn't have the gumption to stand and fight.
Civilized countries like America have standards in war that they must adhere to. It is what distinguishes them from terrorists. Unfortunately, this code of conduct only works when fighting other civilized countries. When fighting shady criminals like Al Qaeda, who throw the rule book out the window, America gets left at a disadvantage. So they take the plunge with things like Camp X-Ray, and they are critisized for it. Because it's against the rules. Like shooting children with bombs strapped to them in Vietnam was against the rules. America is caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this kind of fight. Either they must lose their honor by fighting dirty, or they must lose the war - and the Western world as we know it.
So those of us from other countries, countries that haven't been so supportive, I say give the US a break and give yourselves a chance to survive. Go fight the terrorists with the "big, nasty, greedy Americans", and fight dirty. Scratch, bite and pull hair. Go for the nads. Kick the enemy when they're down. Don't fuck around with this. The enemy would do it to you. They already have.
Someone finally decided drugging your kids is a bad idea. Every middle-class kid for about the past 8 years seems to be spaced out on drugs for hyperactivity, ADHD, and depression.
ADHD is an excuse for parents to not do any real parenting. In a way, it's understandable. The economy sucks, both parents have to work, and nobody has time for Little Timmy's temper tantrums, so they drug him. Kids are obnoxious, and I admit, I would do anything (legal or not) to keep them quiet. So you know my trick? I don't have any. That's right folks, I can't handle parenting, so I just won't have any kids. Not easy to do when Gap makes children the must-have accessory to all the latest fashions, but if you don't have the time, you have no right to breed.
Depression is something else again. Have you ever met a hormonal teenager that wasn't either depressed or psychotic (I was both)? Drugging them is not the answer. You'll screw up their natural body clocks that tell them when to get over it and grow up. You'll effectively stunt them, leaving them in that state indefinitely, instead of just through adolescence.
There are a few things you can do instead of turning to drugs. Try being home once in a while. That means even if you work 10 hours a day, come home at the end instead of going to the club with the boss. Spend the weekends with your family instead of golfing or getting a massage and pedicure. Because once you bring a child into the world, you've forfeited your rights to f**k around. Being a parent is a full time job, like it or leave it. I chose to leave it, and so should anyone who thinks sedating their kids till they're old enough to move out is an acceptable idea.
Glasgow was voted to be Europe's most dangerous crime city. And it just got worse, thanks to the prison service.
A manhunt was under way tonight for a convicted murderer who it is thought was freed by mistake. Police were immediately informed after 17-year-old James McCormick from Cardonald, Glasgow, was released at Hamilton Sheriff Court in Lanarkshire.
Apparently, this brazen kid swiped the release papers from another case that had just been heard, showed them to the inept prison guards, and they let him go. Sounds like something out of an Adam Sandler movie.
It is believed that he may pose a danger to the general public.
Uh-huh. Just what Glasgow needs - another young thug who got away with murder.
Our top priority is the protection of the public.
Was this your top priority all day, or just after you noticed you'd let him go?
Folks, I have a luncheon to go to in Glasgow on Saturday, and if you don't hear from me next week, you'll know why!
I found this on Right Thoughts, posted by Jim K. It made me laugh out loud.
"Is this guy so old he's forgotten?
Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy on Monday accused President George W. Bush of having created at home and abroad "the largest credibility gap" since the Watergate scandal drove Richard Nixon from the White House 30 years ago.
Kennedy, a key backer of fellow Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry's campaign for the party's presidential nomination, also charged Iraq has become "George Bush's Vietnam," the war that divided the United States and helped force Lyndon Johnson from the presidency.
In addition, Kennedy said, Iraq has "diverted attention from the administration's deceptions here at home -- especially on the economy, health care and education.
I need to put out an APB (All Points Blog) on Right We Are. This blog seems to be down, so if anyone knows where Maripat or any of the other ladies are, can you tell them to get their butts back on line? I miss their site.
I heard the news last Friday. They'd been keeping it from me for more than 6 months. A conspiracy of silence. "For your own good", they said. "Didn't want to upset you", they said. All that supposed compassion for me, and then BANG - they just said it. Like they were talking about buying a new car. Perhaps with even less emotion than that. Gone. It's gone. The last piece of my history - my last surviving relative. The only one who loved me unconditionally and was always there for me. The one I would turn to in my darkest hours of grief and fear; who would heal my wounds with all the love buried deep below its foundations. My church, my shrine, my time capsule. My home. The last flesh and blood of our family, besides me. My twin, born at the same time as me, and though we were pulled from each other at a young age, our love endured. Across decades, miles, oceans. It was the one member of my family that was supposed to have been immortal. No cancer could have taken it from me, the way my parents were taken from me. It was immune to disease. But it was not immune to the elements. And now it has burned to the earth on which it stood.
"Just a house", they say. "No one was hurt", they reassure me. Reassure? Someone's carelessness destroyed the most beautiful gift my father ever gave me, and I am to be thankful that they suffered not one whit? "Eight children inside", they said, "everyone safe." Is it wrong for me to ask for a blood sacrifice? Is it wrong for me to demand that they, too, should part with something precious in order to understand the pain they've caused? "Bricks and wood", he said, safely tucked up in his own house, silently thanking the gods that it was my home and not his.
It was I who was to be cremated when my time came, and my ashes to be taken to that holiest of places, built with my father's own sweat and blood, my mother's tears. Instead I have survived my greatest love, and now must find an urn worthy of its ashes. I must return one last time to the spot where my childhood lies burned and broken, and pick up the pieces to someday be mixed with my own remains.
A person can outlive their parents, their spouse, and even their children. But a foundation of bricks and mortar built on love and faith - it should have outlived us all. How much more loss can I endure? How many more loved ones will I lose? How many are even left??
They tried to reassure me that I still have a home with them, and that my father built that one, too. But no. The house they speak of, although filled with many happy memories, is not mine. It doesn't light up with joy at my approach. I am not cured of my ills by simply touching its walls, or placing my cheek against the cool moss out front. I bear their home no ill will, and would never boredly shrug off its demise, but it is their home, not mine. And it will be many moons before I can go there and face them. My insides churn with anger and disgust at idea of seeing their three faces - so unconcerned, so cold.
As in the past, I will move in shadow to my holy place, no one knowing I am even there, and by the light of the moon I will perform its last rites.
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat and was for distribution of all wealth.
She felt deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican which she expressed openly.
One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and more welfare programs. In the middle of her heart-felt diatribe based upon the lectures she had from her far left pofessors at her school, he stopped her and asked her point blank how she was doing in school.
She answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA and let him know that it was tough to maintain. That she had to study all the time, never had time to go out and party like other people she knew She didn't even have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of spending all her time studying and that she was taking a more difficult curriculum.
Her father listened and then asked, "How is your friend Mary." She replied, "Mary is barely getting by". She continued, "all she has is barely a 2.0 GPA and all she takes are easy classes; she never studies." To explain further she continued emotionally, "But Mary is so very popular on campus -- college for her is a blast. She goes to all the parties all the time and very often doesn't even show up for classes because she is too hung over."
Her father then asked his daughter, "Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your 4.0 GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0." He continued, "That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA, and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA."
The daughter, visibly shocked by the father's suggestion, angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair! I worked really hard for mine. I did without and Mary has done little or nothing. She played while I worked real hard!"
The father slowly smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
My husband and I are doing a massive spring cleanup, including getting rid of all our old books. We have decided that instead of dropping them off at charity shops, we'd donate them to our local library because they're in great condition. My hubby is a big geek, so the library is now the proud owner of more than 200 mint-condition Star Trek and other sci-fi books.
Last year on Pamie, she blogged that the Oakland Public Library in California had lost much of its funding, and they needed donations. I donated, along with about five hundred other people. It was this that made me think that our local library would be glad to have our books. They most certainly were!
So if any of you are doing a spring cleanup, and getting rid of old good-condition books (remember, even textbooks are useful, because they'll put them in their reference sections), think of the library. Wouldn't you rather be responsible for helping the next generation learn to read (even Star Trek books!), instead of them becoming illiterate criminals like they seem to be doing?
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